OneLogin Integration
Note: Please do NOT create a new API credentials if they already exists for a client. Check the API Keys asset section inside of IT Glue first.
- You MUST have Admin access of the OneLogin instance in order to generate API credentials.
Steps for generating the API Credentials in OneLogin:
- Log in to the client’s OneLogin portal and open the Administration portal by clicking Administration at the top right
- Hover over the Developers menu -> Click API Credentials
- Click New Credential
- Name the credentials Wizarrd and select Read all permissions. Then, click Save
- If successful, you should see a window like the following:

Lastly, copy the newly generated Client ID and Client Secret since you’ll need them for Wizarrd.
Configuring Wizarrd to import the OneLogin data:
- Navigate to the appropriate client’s company under
- Select the Vendor Management tab and expand OneLogin
- Paste in the Client ID and Client Secret you copied earlier, check “Is Active Account.”, and click Update.

Once completed, make sure to copy the API information and put it in the API Keys section of the relevant client.